Council hears department updates
The Caruthersville City Council met February 3, with the number of members necessary to consider a quorum being present, the Mayor called the meeting to order and announced the meeting was in session for the transaction of business. The first order of business was the approval of the regular session minutes of January 21, 2025. Councilperson Johnny Hood made a motion for approval, with Councilperson Don Grable abstaining and none opposed.
Councilperson Jimmy Lyons made a motion for approval of reports and bills, none opposed.
Mayor Grantham entertained a motion to conduct the next meeting Tuesday February 18, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. Lyons made the motion, and none opposed.
Chief Jerry Hudgens proposed sharing the cost with the County in the amount of $1,500.00 annually for the digital software which speed ups investigations. Lyons made a motion for approval, and none opposed.
Chief Hudgens also reported for the month of January there were 390 calls for service, with 90 reports being entered. The department will be coordinating with the fire department for a new response policy to major crashes within the City, along with drills and exercises for mass casualty events.
Karol Wilcox reported they took in seven dogs even though they are filled to capacity, but with a couple being pregnant, it prevented having a litter of 40 being on the streets. The outdoor kennels are done, and the Shelter was issued their license.
Fire report; Chief Lynn Moss report consisted of the following: 1/17/25; Extrication on 15th & Franklin 1/21/25; Mutual aid to Main St. Portageville, MO 1/23/25; Extrication on South Ward & Mooreland Dr. 1/25/25; Vehicle fire at Sullivans 1/25/25; Levee on fire on County Hwy 553 1/25/25; Transformer down on Cotton 1/28/25; Mutual aid to Delislile St. Portageville, MO. Fire training for February will be “Rapid Response and Casualty Collection Active Shooter Training in Schools.”
Code Enforcement; Barry Gilmore reported Section 710. 115 Code would have to be amended with the lead ban for pipes having no more than 2.5%. There have been delays due to inclement weather to the Third St. Project; reopening will take place by Wednesday February 5, 2025. There were three estimates for the Armory gas unit as follows: Hill Electric $10,000.00, Lacey HVAC $10,100.00, and $8,800.00, Chris Wade $8,700.00. Grable made a motion to approve the lower bid of $8,700.00, and none opposed.
Gilmore also reported the lift station on South Ward to the Waste Water Plant had an event with an estimated hundreds of thousands of sewage being leaked caused by a crack at the base of the pipe. The event was reported to DNR, the leak was fixed, and the field limed. Hanson has hit the ground running at the airport, and the $22,000.00 ARPA money will be used for the credit card reader. Also, a grant request has been sent to MODOT for tree removal.
Grable made mention that a truck driver had urinated and dumped trash in the ditch in front of Merle Fruhling residence across from Good Day Farm. Fruhling wanted to know if signage could be put up for No Parking. MODOT would have to put up the signage with it being a state highway, and get an ordinance from the City expressing such. Chief Hudgens stated it was a crime for a semi to be engaged at a marijuana facility, and for residences to get the DOT number and it would be reported to the proper authorities. Gilmore will be getting the proper instructions from MODOT and Counselor will have an ordinance drafted for the next meeting. Bids will be solicited for the demo of 1110 Beckwith.
Library report; Tacara Sullivan reported things were slow for the month of January with recovering from the holidays, illness, and the weather. The Valentine’s Day raffle began on January 13, 2025, and the winner will be announced February 13, 2025; the arrangement is from Joplins. The accident report was submitted concerning the back fence, and estimates are being sought.
Collector report; Paige Gillock collections from January 1, 2025 through January 31, 2025 are as follows: Real Estate $34,030.09 Personal Property $13,917.98 Drainage Districts $3,851.34 Miscellaneous $1,076.67 Total Taxes $51,010.62 Interest & Fees $1867.30 Total Collections $52,877.92.
Budget; Lyons reported a quote was being sought for the accounting software, and the accounting position will be ran in local and surrounding area papers. Financial drafts were submitted July through September in lieu of any adjustments.
Lyons made a motion to go into closed session for personnel and legal, with none opposed.