newsMarch 5, 2025

The Caruthersville City Council meeting covered updates on public services, including police and fire reports, public works progress, and upcoming community events. Key discussions involved infrastructure repairs and future plans, such as tree removal at the airport and ordinance amendments.

Caruthersville City Council meets

The Caruthersville City Council met February 24, with the number of members necessary to consider a quorum being present, the Mayor Pro Tem called the meeting to order and announced the meeting was in session for the transaction of business. The first order of business was the approval of the regular session minutes of February 3, 2025. Councilperson Don Grable made a motion for approval, with none opposed.

Councilperson JJ Bullington made a motion for approval of the closed session minutes of February 3, with all in favor.

Councilperson Bullington motion for approval of reports and bills, and none opposed.

Police report; Chief Jerry Hudgens reported 107 call for service, and there were 57 reports entered into the system.

Humane report; Karol Wilcox report is as follows: Intake 23 dogs, 17 cats, with the police department being diligent in aiding through inclement weather. The back runs are finished, and they’re expecting a visit from the state soon. They also self-reported to the Department of Agriculture when they were made aware of someone using the Shelter’s license for animal control in the St. Louis area, in which automatically triggers an investigation. The weather has increased intake, and the Shelter is looking at what can be moved, when, and how. Hill Electric made repairs to the furnace in which wires had started melting and burning.

Fire Chief Moss reported as of February 13, 2025 is as follows: 1/28/25; Mutual aid to Portageville, MO, 2/4/25; Gas leak on West 6th St., 2/11/25; Mutual aid to Hayti, 2/11/25; Structure fire on East 19th St. Fire training for February is “Causality Collection Point”. “Active Shooter Training” in schools continues.

Public Works; Alliance report for January is as follows: Administrative/Submission of the eDMR and Monitoring Report for Groundwater Systems to MODNR. Water & Wastewater Treatment/ Both plants operating efficiently, and Trojan UV will be on site March 10, 2025 to fix the UV system at the Wastewater plant. Regulatory/ There were six Bac-T samples and 38 Wastewater samples taken, and all passed DNR. DNR did the three-year sanitary survey, and made mention that the lead service ordinance needed to be adjusted to be in compliance.

Collection and Distribution/There were 132 work orders, fixed two leaks, fixed setter leaks caused by LSI inventories, jetted and pumped manholes on 15th St. and Jefferson, and begun entering points into GIS. Safety/ Staff trained on driver safety and blood borne pathogens. Repair Expenses were under budget by $2,814.00 and Chemical Expenses under budget by $11,158.00.

Code Enforcement; Barry Gilmore reported the following: The truck stop plans have been received, Street repairs on 3rd St. have been completed, and the storm drain is working properly. Hanson submitted a bid proposal for tree removal at the airport, with the bid opening taking place February 27, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. Mid South Steel will be replacing the card reader at the airport; ARPA money will be used for the upgrade. Lead Service line inventory continues, patching roads, fixed 20 potholes, and hauled away 89 tires. There is a list of potholes, but will need warmer and dryer weather to complete.

The street sweeper has been operating periodically, and moving forward there will be more consistency. Drains have been cleared from leaves, grass, and trash, and the storm water lift stations at the casino and 7th St. They will start on West 3rd. when the weather permits with the effort to help drainage during heavy rainy days. The new truck has been ordered, and will be on the lot within 90 days.

Parks & Recreation; Lamonte Bell reported turnover as being the following: Intake $13,639.08 Expenses $292.77 Turnover $13,346.31. These are the upcoming events: March 6, 2025 hosting the All American Circus, April 5, 2025 hosting a Wrestling Match, April 7, 2025 American Red Cross hosting a Blood Drive, April 26, 2025 COSA hosting a Pickle Ball Tournament.

Library report; Casey Henson reported the hiring of two part time employees, Amanda Hamm and Hanna McClain. Both companies are having to research the unique link in the fence in order to get a quote to repair the fence. The Valentine’s Day arrangement winner was won by Katlyn Hollis.

Councilperson Bullington inquired about the cutting down of the trees at the airport. Barry Gilmore explained the trees have been needing to come down for some time, at that it had nothing to do with making room for bigger planes. The trees are color coded as to priority, and as for now, the ones on the golf course will be staying. The trees on the west side of the run way will definitely be coming down.

City Collector; Paige Gillock turnover was the following: Real Estate $32,271.92 Personal Tax $13,808.85 Interest & Fees $1,657.59 Total Tax $47,738.36 Other Tax & License $5,137.72 Overall Total $52,876.08.

Introduction to Bills; Counselor Dorroh introduced the following bill:

BILL NO. 2025-03 ORDINANCE NO. 2025-03



Councilperson Grable motion for the first reading by title only, second by Councilperson Bullington, with all in favor. Councilperson Bullington motion for the second reading, second by Councilperson Glass with all in favor. Councilperson Hood motion for passage, and none opposed.

Councilperson Fales wanted to know if the trees that had been topped off in years past at Veterans Park could continue to be done so. It is obstructing her view of the river from the top floor of her home which she renovated to be able to have the view. Barry Gilmore will be checking with local contractors to get quotes to see if it’s feasible.

Councilperson Bullington motion to go into closed session for the purpose of personnel, second by Councilperson Robinson, with none opposed. Upon returning from closed session Councilperson Bullington motion to adjourn.
