newsMarch 5, 2025

Steele City Council addresses key issues, approving funding for infrastructure projects, planning a community 5K event, and discussing youth league changes and equipment repairs in a recent meeting.

Steele Council continues to forward movement

The Steele City Council met on January 21, 2025 with Aldermen Mark Weathers, Linda Nowlin, Mike Ganus and Mike McCord all present alongside Mayor Sam Rinehart.

Mayor Rinehart discussed the monthly bills in the amount of $126,477.09. Weathers made a motion to approve them with all in favor.

The Mayor then spoke with the group about Amanda Stockman. Plans were presented for the 5K Walk for Brittan’s Miles which is scheduled for September 27, 2025. The plan is to make the annual 5K walk a fundraiser for Brittany’s scholarship for students at South Pemiscot.

The Mayor then spoke about the Steele Youth League saying there are three memebrs who are timing out and have requested to be replaced. Those are Elizabeth Spense, Brandon Neal and Lance Crawford. The recommended replacements are MaCayla Moore, Jonathan Spense and Austin Wagner. Ganus made a motion to accept these replacements and all agreed.

The Mayor then discussed Lagers insurance. Lagers have already been agreed upon and are to be submitted within ten days for approval. Due to not being submitted during within the approval time frame, Lagers would need to be re-approved to be submitted. It was stated that Resolution 612 would need to be read by title only. Weathers made a motion to do this with all in favor for first read, second read and a motion to pass the resolution with all in favor.

Discussion moved to the water grant. The contracts for the grant have been signed and should begin in or around March-April of this year. The Block Grant was also approved. The group also discussed that the backhoe is in need of repairs and needs to be taken to Bakers.

The council then spoke about the dog pound saying there is an older patrol vehicle that needs to be fixed and once that is complete a Humane Shelter employee can use it. It was also stated there is old equipment that could be sold by sealed bids that could be used to cover the cost of fixing the vehicle. It was mentioned this would need to be placed in the newspaper for advertisement for bids. McCord made a motion to move forward with the ad and all agreed.

The Mayor then shared information regarding Thin Blue Technology stating they can get by with the computers they have until the next budget however servers are urgently needed. The cost of these servers is $1500. McCord made a motion to move forward in replacing them and all agreed.

During the business from the floor segment of the meeting, Leticia Wagner explained that while the court clerks report may show one or two new cases filed that month, that does not mean those cases have been filed due to the way they are being filed, such months and dates.

Ganus then spoke about the sewer being stopped up again at the RV Park.

The council went into closed session before returning to close out the meeting.
