First Baptist Church: What Kind of Neighbor are you?
During the time of Jesus, there was great discussion among the religious leaders as to which of the 248 “positive” commands in the Old Testament law was the greatest. When Jesus was asked to identify the greatest commandment, He said the first was to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. But then He quickly followed it with another, equally significant directive – to love your neighbor as yourself. On one occasion as recorded in Luke 10, someone who was very familiar with the Old Testament law, asked Jesus what He thought was the correct way to get to heaven. Jesus asked him what his study of the law had revealed to him. He answered with Jesus’ summation of the greatest commandment. The second part concerning “loving your neighbor” was confusing to this man and he asked about it. After all, it’s a simple command, but living it out can often feel complicated even in today’s world. In response to the man ‘s question, Jesus shares what we call, “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.” The reason for this is that this account has all the characteristics of a parable, but it is not called that in the text. Although it is a tremendous literary “story,” its importance lies in what it teaches.
“Neighbor” isn't limited to the people who live next door; it includes everyone we encounter. Whether it's a stranger on the street, the coworker who disagrees with us, or the family member who tests our patience, we're called to extend love, understanding, and grace. Loving your neighbor means considering their needs and their perspective. Are we patient when someone makes mistakes? Do we offer a listening ear when someone needs comfort? It’s through these small, everyday actions that we reflect Christ’s love.
In the “Parable of the Good Samaritan,” the Samaritan went out of his way to help someone who was not only a stranger, but also a man from a group considered an enemy of his people. He showed mercy, kindness, and care, living out what it truly means to be a neighbor. Take a moment to reflect today. What kind of neighbor are you? How do your actions, your words, and your attitude align with Christ's teaching to love others as you love yourself? Ask God to guide you in being a thoughtful, loving, and compassionate neighbor. Moments of kindness, no matter how small, show God’s love clearly and powerfully to a world in need of it.
If you are looking for some good neighbors, please allow me the opportunity to invite you to visit with us at Caruthersville First Baptist Church, 801 Ward Ave. We gather for Bible study time on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and then at 10:30 for worship. We meet at 5:00 on Sunday evenings for worship and a time of Bible study led by our pastor in our fellowship hall. We also have an online Bible study time on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 on our Caruthersville First Baptist Church Facebook page. We would love to have you visit with us!