The CrossRoads Connection:An Empty Container
There is a story in the Bible in 2 Kings 4:1-7 of a woman who found herself with a great need. Her husband died and she was left owing the creditors a lot of money. She had two sons, but they were not old enough to work and support her, and she was in a desperation moment. She trusted in a prophet named Elisha. He was a trusted family friend for years, and she knew when he spoke things would happen! Her husband had been a part of the school of the prophets run by Elisha. We know this because the woman refers to her departed husband as a servant of Elisha’s, maybe an instructor or a director.
We don’t know the name of this woman, but Elisha knew her and her family well. So, she came to Elisha and ask for help to resolve her problem. One might think he would have given her money or maybe just told her to go pray about this situation. He could have told her to come to the next prayer meeting and we will anoint you and believe with you about this financial problem. But his reply seems a bit strange, maybe even chiding as he asked her, “What can I DO for you?” I have many friends in ministry and if I had a financial need, I believe they would help. She probably was taken a little back as he seemed to not be able to help and then to add insult to injury he asked, “What do you have left in your house”.
Remember this lady is destitute; they probably have repossessed everything. The daily knock on the door meant she was getting closer to having nothing left, and her sons would be the next thing to go! It seems as if this prophet is not interested in helping. Bowing her head as a hand maiden, she replies, “I don’t have anything left; no furniture, no rugs, no jewelry, no pictures, nothing of any real value but my boys and a small jar of oil.”
The next words out of the prophet’s mouth are the most confusing to this point. She is destitute, owes everyone in town, flat broke, busted and disgusted and Elisha says, “Go borrow some pots and pans.” She was probably thinking, “Are you kidding me, this is the best thing you can come up with, go borrow?” Her credit and credibility were gone. She had lost everything and the last thing she thought he might say was to go and borrow something. Forgetting her pride and all the past debt, she sends her sons out to ask the neighbors for some pots, pans, bowls or flasks, or whatever might hold a little oil. I’m sure the faith was low as they trudged home with the pots and pan in tow.
The next instruction by Elisha was to go into your house, shut the door on you and your sons and start pouring oil into the vessels. That may seem a like a strange request, but Elisha knew she was about to get a miracle, and he also knew the enemy would like nothing more than to steal her sons away and stop the miracle! Listen friend, just because you are close to your victory does not mean the enemy does not have a plan to stop you!
She closed the door and started to pour. I can see her praying and lifting her small bottle of oil and looking at that smallest pan sitting on the counter and said, “Son bring me that smallest pan.” She tilted her bottle, and the first drop hit the bottom of the pan; it was slow at first and then it covered the bottom of the pan. The oil continued flowing, and the first small pan was full. She looked at her bottle with the same amount of oil in it and they looked at each other and she said, “Boy give me that other small pan, the one just a little bigger than this one.” Once again, the oil flowed and filled the pan. Setting those aside, her faith was rising as each pan began to be filled. I’m sure tears of joy and excitement have filled the room and each pot, pan, flask and bowl have been filled. Finally, she probably asked, “Son, do we have anymore vessels?” He said, “Only one more momma!” She lifted her small bottle and thanking The Lord, poured the last vessel full. When she was finished, all of the vessels were full, and she still had a little oil left in her bottle.
God had provided for her need! She sold the oil, paid her debts and continued to be blessed by that act of obedience. She simply obeyed the word of God and He supplied her need. She didn’t produce the oil, He did. She just used her faith to believe He could! It was her bottle of oil, but she was willing to obey His word! When she allowed The Lord to use her oil, it became His oil that flowed! She had the same amount left after she filled the pots and pans. It was His oil that flowed! One thing we must never forget; we are the vessel; He is the Oil!
He is the wine, He is the Bread, He is the Anointed one. It’s His power, His miracles, His strength, His forgiveness, His cleansing and His renewing. Without Him we just have an empty cup but with Him our cups overflow.
If our vessel is broken, He will restore it. If it is missing, He will find it. If it is rough around the edges, He will refinish it. If it has lost its shine, He will apply a new finish. If it’s weak, He will make it strong. If it has imperfections, He will remove them. If it’s too shallow, He will make it deeper. If it’s too deep, He will make it a little shallow. If it’s too thick, He will thin it down, and if it’s too thin, He will make it thicker.
We are only an empty vessel to be used by the King!! But what an honor to be used by Him! May you have an opportunity to be used by Him this week!!
Love and prayers until next week, Pastor Danny Neal