featuresNovember 9, 2016

In Malachi 3:6, God’s word says ..."I am God—yes, I Am. I haven’t changed.” God has always been in the life change business – that fact has never changed. Let’s thank God today that God’s nature has not changed. He is infinite – He is almighty – He is all powerful. He has not changed. God is perpetually the same. He is not composed of flesh and bone. He is spirit – pure and holy. He remains the same – unchangeable...

In Malachi 3:6, God’s word says ..."I am God—yes, I Am. I haven’t changed.” God has always been in

the life change business – that fact has never changed. Let’s thank God today that God’s nature has not changed. He is infinite – He is almighty – He is all powerful. He has not changed. God is perpetually the same. He is not composed of flesh and bone. He is spirit – pure and holy. He remains the same – unchangeable.

In this world of ever changing personalities and characters, people who say one thing and live another. We need to thank God that His character has not changed. Whatever God’s character was from be- fore time, it still is today. Was He powerful when He created the universe? Was He mighty when He formed the mountains? Was He holy when He told Moses to re- move his shoes because he was standing on Holy ground? Was He wise when He put all things in order? When He set the stars in their place?

His eyes see clearly. His ears hear with no restrictions. His wisdom is un-

changing from the beginning even till now – it has never – never changed. In Psalms 104:24 we read...“How countless are Your works, Lord! In wis- dom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your crea- tures.”

Mercy, justice, faithfulness, wisdom, patience, holiness, compassion and any other attributes of God – have not changed – forever and ever and ever.

Thank God today that His plans have not changed. In Philippians 1:6 we read...“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”

God does not get sick. He does not run out of money. He is not forgetful. He has unlimited storehouses of supply and He will always, always accomplish what He sets out to do. You may change your plans. In fact, God may step in and “help” you change your plans.

But He shall never, never, never change His plans for you. He has plans for your welfare, not for your disaster. He has plans for your future and for your hope. Thank God today that His PROMISES have not changed. You have never been lied to, misled or forgot- ten by God through His Son Jesus Christ.

What He says, He does. His yes is always yes and His no is always no. He does not change. He does not give you a promise one day, and take it back the next. God does not work that way

Thank God today that His LOVE has not changed. Re- member that from the begin- ning of time, God has loved you? God loves us with an everlasting love. God loves us with an unchanging love. He knows that we are not all we should be. He knows that we have gotten dirty. He also has a way to clean us up. That’s through Jesus Christ His Son. Thank God today that we can confess that we have fallen, have sinned, that we are dirty and unrighteous, and that we need to be cleaned up. We need be washed by the Father and He will do it!

Thank God today that He loves you, because He cares for you, He has always loved you, He will always love you, because His love is un- changeable.
