Will the real Amari please step forward? Parents as Teachers shines the spotlight on Amari Warmack.
Amari is the four year old daughter of Aundrea Bates and has recently became a big sister. On the last visit they made it all about Amari, making a life size poster of Amari by tracing her body then naming and labeling body parts. After adding facial features and accessories it was hard to tell the real from the poster!
Their other activities that focused on Amari were, talking about and recording people in her family, her birthdate, her likes and what she wants to be when she grows up.
Amari can pick out the letters to her name, she can even tell you her left from her right. When children un- derstand what makes them look and feel unique it gives them a sense of who they are. Talking about their char- acteristics builds self esteem and confidence.
Parents as Teachers is a free and voluntary early edu- cation program provided by the Caruthersville School district for all families with children ages 0-5 who are not yet enrolled in school. For more information or to enroll call 333-6130 Ext. 4 or stop by the Caruthersville Ele- mentary school.