featuresNovember 16, 2016

This is one of those days that makes me want to get back in bed and cover my head. It isn't raining but there is no sun showing, either. It is the kind of day that I associate with November. I feel better now - I have just had my breakfast, talked to some folks and va- cated my room for a season. ...

This is one of those days that makes me want to get back in bed and cover my head. It isn't raining but there is no sun showing, either. It is the kind of day that I associate with November.

I feel better now - I have just had my breakfast, talked to some folks and va- cated my room for a season. When I left the dining room, I made my daily detour to the bird room. These are finches and they all have the same kind of coloring and yet each one is a little different from the others. Most of them are eat- ing their morning meal and some have finished eating and are snuggled in a warm, cozy place to their liking. They are getting ready for another nap.

I always look for my 'buddy', and I have told you about her before. She is vividly colored -a yellow stomach, green back, and red head. After all this, I go back to my room thankful for all my ani- mals and everything that makes my room 'my home'.

I have already thanked the Lord for a new day, told Him how much I love Him, and I am ashamed to admit that I have done more talking than listening. It is time to "Be still and know that I am God".

As the Lord tarries with me, everything changes. The dreary day slips into the background. During my quiet time with the Lord, everything falls back and noth- ing is as important as my hearing His voice. He assures me that He loves me. I already know this but I am always hungry to hear it again. He helps me confess some sin in my life and He reminds me of His Word which says- "If we confess our sin, He will forgive and cleanse us". Sometimes He shows me something wrong in my life that I am not aware of and tells me what to do about it.

The weather is unimpor- tant after this, my slate is clean again and I am ready to follow the Lord. I am thankful for Southgate Nursing Center and for the wonderful care we receive. Mrs. Carrie Drake, our administrator, is so full of love and care for each of us that I don't doubt the good Lord had a hand in their being here. We now have another person who helps us and her name is Mrs. Beverly Mont- gomery. Mrs. Erica Sams is the office manager and she is so smart.

I have just run into what I did not want to happen. There is not enough room to praise all the staff here. Each does a tremendous job and I thank the Lord for each of them. When you come out to visit someone here you will not see the Lord in person, but He is here!
