EditorialFebruary 19, 2025

Caruthersville School's shift to a four-day week sparks diverse reactions. While some praise the benefits for teachers and students, others worry about longer days, childcare challenges, and meal access.

We asked our online readers, “Caruthersville School recently voted to join most all the schools in the area in a four day school week. What is your take on schools doing this?”

Here are a few of their responses...

I have a lot of opinions, most teachers love it so I may too if we ever do it at R-3 but it’s going to be such long days for th elittles. May have to do a kindergarten nap. - Jennifer Wallace

I was against it until Delta went for it. I was concerned about only having three days to study for weekly tests. Now I love that my kids get Mondays off. Teachers send spelling words, vocabulary home on Friday for the following week so that helps. 7:30-3:30 isn’t bad to get an extra day off. - Kristy Duffy

As a tax payer who no longer has kids in school, I am against it. The kids have a difficult time now with a 5 day week, so how can a 4 day week be better? Also what are working parents going to do as there are no available daycares in our town? - Beth Bailey

And if you find a daycare you pay for the entire week. Regardless if they go one day or five. - Yolanda Holt

If it keeps teachers here and helps overall, I’m good with it. They’re giving us plenty of notice to make arrangements. Plus, they already take off a lot for teachers meetings and such, so now they can use Mondays for that and kids don’t have to miss so much. - Mandi Johnson

As a teacher and a mom that has a child that struggles in school it has been the biggest blessing! 1. Teachers have Mondays for doctors appointments for themselves and kids which mean less subs teaching our kids - which means better instruction. 2. It allows our kids more time to study and catch up on Mondays. It allows a little extra time in the day for students who struggle to be able to get one on one or small group intervention while not missing core instruction. 3. I have seen higher test scores and improved grades and ATTENDANCE! Wasn’t completely on board at first but now I’m a 100% believer! Not to mention the better quality of instruction and students seem to try harder in my opinion. Burn out is real in teachers and students - Michelle Hepler

As a former staff member I would have loved it, but I do worry about the kids. The only meal some of these kids get is from school. I know it will be a hardship on some parents, but they do have to make arrangements on PD days, holidays and breaks. Seems like it’s the new norm to go to four days a week. I just hope it’s beneficial for the kids. - Debbie Hollis

Maybe myself and others should start the Tri-County Daycare back up! - Shawndrae Isable

It doesn’t work for working parents. - Olivia Welch

Yes it may be better on some students and better for teachers but not everyone has a complete village to help out. I got a great neighbor that helps me most days but I don’t wanna have to bother her with an every other Monday babysitting situation. Just not feeling great about this whole ordeal. Yes there are a lot of out days for the students now but that’s hard enough on working families since it takes more than one income to support the household. - Lynnette Murphy

Coming from a parent of a 4 day week student, we love it. It makes it a lot easier to make regular doctor appointments, dentist appointments and eye appointments on Mondays. You can also use Mondays as makeup days if you have to. Most of your school out holidays fall on Monday as well. - Jonna Kaye Byrd

I have taught for many years. Those who have learned to read should have no problem with the four day week except they won’t get fed those days and htey may not have a home life that encourages learning (or a parent that has time). My concern is for the children K-5 who struggle to read and every school has plenty of these children. If one cannot read, one cannot independently do the homework assigned in any subject. A child learning to read needs to read several times EACH day. (We do realize how long it takes to catch a child up after summer break, right?) Over the years, I have found the younger children need several breaks as their attention span is not very long. A longer day will require another break or less time to catch up on all the things they don’t do on Monday. There, there is hte issue of that 5th day the children get a nutritious breakfast and lunch. Where will the money that pays for that go? Will they send meals home on Friday with these children? I asked a few young people who have graduated a high school that has a four day week. It was great for them because they could get to school, take care of themselves at home and prepare meals. Their concern was for the little ones who could not. Education is the foundation of a successful child, community, state and country - Morgan Treece

I think it is great for high school kids and horrible for elementary. - Lauren Turnage

I don’t feel like it is the best for elementary students. I always feel so rushed on the 4 day weeks that we have because of days off. Longer days don’t necessarily give you more productive teaching time if the kids are tired and not focused. - Tara Chidester

It’s not about the kids anymore - Amanda Haywood

They shouldn’t send homework home either. The parents already get very little time with their kids daily, so they shouldn’t have to spend it helping do the schools job. - Howard Prater

Now make the work week 4, 10 hour shifts and the problem is solved. - Paul Aydelott
