Are you ready for this one? I am actually keeping the “resolution” I made for New Years!
I know, I know we are only two months in and really, I don’t believe in resolutions. But what I do believe in is seeing a need for change and working to change it.
One of the things I said I was going to do more of this year was slowing down and focusing on what is good.
If you have ever read the story of Martha and Mary in the Bible you know what I mean. You can see it for yourself in Luke chapter 10. In this story, Jesus is coming over for a visit. Martha, who is a lot like me, wanted everything in order. I mean who wouldn’t if Jesus is coming over? But she got so busy trying to make sure the house was just so, the food was perfect, the towels were folded and the floors without a speck, that she forgot to savor what was good. Mary meanwhile stopped everything and just sat at Jesus’ feet and took it all in.
So what did Martha do? She got mad. How dare Mary just sit there doing nothing while she worked so hard. So she did what a lot of us women do, she turned into a Petty Betty and ratted Mary out to Jesus. But Jesus told her that Mary had choosen what was good.
I am working to do just that.
I always considered myself the reverse of a procrastinator (whatever term that might have). I most always had things planned, laid out and ready months in advance. Looking back, I think the time in Covid world made me lazy and just less. But I am striving to get that back while finding balance.
Last year taught me a lot of hard lessons about what is really important in life. Our time here is short and I want all the most important people in my life to know what they mean to me without doubt or question.
I want to be able to drop everything if they call and need my help without looking back or blinking an eye.
I want to build memories with my nieces and baby grands as we build up their faith, confidence and self esteem.
I want to rebuild and knock off my bucket list. To spend quality time with others. To encourage those around me and to learn something new everyday.
My family has a very busy life, and I love every moment of it. And we LOVE to go and do!
This year already we have made a trip to one of our favorite places, Universal, to spend a few days riding coasters and leaving stress behind.
We have made plans for birthday parties, an amazing wedding, showers and more.
This past weekend, we surprised our good friend Leanne Moore with a surprise trip to knock something off her bucket list for her 50th Birthday.
She had no clue where she was going, and even though she was really sweating it because we made her think we were white water rafting and water is not among her favorite things...she went with it.
A quick girls trip to Branson was just what we all needed. The long roadtrip, bunking together, being ridiculous, eating lots of good food and visiting the Promiseland Zoo where Leanne got to feed and pet not one but five sloths was pretty great.
There is something about getting to be front row for something that means so much to someone you love.
You don’t have to get it, you don’t have to want it for yourself even, but just seeing them so happy is worth more than you could ever put a value on.
I have been blessed to have so many of those moments in life and I will never forget them.
Craig walking into the building for the first time after signing the papers on his body shop is second only to the moment when the doors opened and I saw his face at the end of the aisle. Ashley when Kyle held that ring out to her when she was so sure it would never happen. Sterling taking his first wobbly steps toward me. Grumpy little Esme telling me she loved me for the first time. Aisley finding out she was about to ride her first big rollercoaster. My dads smile when he pulled the trigger on the flame thrower we all got him. Micah when she heard the news that the cancer was gone.
So many moments both big and small, but all of them hold such a special place in my heart.
Life does that, its a whirlwind of ups and downs. All you can do is buckle up and enjoy the ride for the most part. But I am doing my best to take it all in and not miss a moment of it.
There is so much happening in the world right now. And while it is big and important, sometimes scary, a lot of times overwhelming, don’t forget to slow down. Soak in the tub, read the book that is gathering dust on your nightstand, take the trip, surprise your loved one, try something new and just LIVE to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised.
Now pardon me, I have some packing to do...