We made it thorugh snow, through the frigid temperatures and through the TikTok shut down. I have to wonder what 2025 will throw at us next!
I laugh, but life is like that. I heard someone say the other day, “the older I get, the easier it is to roll with the punches.”
I get that statement, but I don’t entirely agree with it. I suppose I am more of a “glass half full” kind of girl. I strive to find the good in people, in situations, and to make the most of them all.
I once saw a post about a group of people creating a Bingo card for the year. On it they listed, things like...divorce, tornado, job loss, etc. And as the year progressed if they encountered any of those things in their lives, they marked them off for the ultimate game of Bingo.
While I can appreciate the humor in it, it also makes me a bit sad to think so many have such an expectation of the worst coming their way.
Of course I have also read that there are people out there who openly say they expect the worst, all because in reality, they never want to admit to not being in control.
So by saying they know a certain thing will probably happen, should it actually come about, they can pretend to know they knew it was coming all along. Thus appearing to still be in control, unphased, and unbothered. Some call it self sabatoge but the truth is, its a show of pride in not wanting to admit hurt or defeat.
Which brings me to the elections. Don’t worry, you won’t find me going down any political worm holes. My view hasn’t changed in 2025, I still loathe politics.
But I do find this interesting.
On one side of my social media I have people who are up in arms because “Biden had TikTok shut down” and it was the ultimate form of censorship and a way to keep the people from knowing the truth.
Then, in a matter of hours, TikTok was back up with a message thanking Trump for getting it back up and running.
However the next day, I had friends posting how facist Trump was and that some of their sites had been shut down and they were sure the next four years would be horrific for everyone.
It goes to show, no one knows the real truth, no one has the full picture, but everyone has an opinion.
As for me, I think I will stick to my bubble. It’s nice in here, people are kind, the music is good and I determine what I think it good and right for me to see...or not see.
I sub occassionally, and I laugh because some of the younger ones have picked up on a phrase I often use that was passed down to me by the one and only Sandra Barnes.
“Find your nose.” In other words, when it isn’t your business, return to where it is and place said nose accordingly.
I joke, but the reality of it is, none of us know what the future will bring. The best any of us can do is to always be prepared for whatever may come. To not be lazy today, because tomorrow we could lose opportunity for work. To take care of our homes, our families and neighbors.
To do whatever we can to help, and trust God for everything inbetween that we can do nothing about.
Before I close, don’t forget to turn in your nominations for Difference Makers!
This is such a great event where we get to show off the many people who work to make our communities a better place.
Young or old, working, retired, whoever they are, our difference maker will be someone who makes others a priority!
They may work quietly behind the scenes, or be known by everyone in town for the many things they do. But one thing will be for sure. They will be a person who stands out for their heart, compassion, giving and strength!
Turn yours in today!