It’s that time of year when it seems as though everyone you know is sick with something, and I want absolutely no part of it!
Flu, strep, stomach virus, colds and sinusitis are every where you look, so much so that several of our area schools have shut down because of it.
While I am not one to rush home and board the windows and doors, I do think it is wise to use as many precautions as you can because who wants to be sick?!
So everyone, be sure to put some extra hand washings, Lysol sprayings, and hand sanitizing on your list.
While you are at it, you might join the ranks of us who use every method we know of to help fend it off. From essential oils to vitamins, I figure it sure can not help to try!
My family often laughs at me because I like to plan ahead. For the most part I consider it a characteristic for a love language I have listed as hospitality.
To me, hospitality is working to make the people around you comfortable by anticipating their needs and striving to meet them.
I am one of those people who keep the guest room at our home ready, just in case. I have an extra fan and a heater, an extra blanket across the foot of the bed and two types of pillows because some like fluffy and some like flat. I always have extra toothbrushes and travel size items just in case.
But I also like to provide for my family. Living on the farm is such a blessing. Be able to see the kids playing in the same yards and trees we did is very special to me.
Watching the girls get off the bus holding hands and running to Memaws is a memory I won’t forget.
Rarely does a day pass that one of the kids doesn’t come through our backdoor, stop at the pantry for a snack and then head out the side door. Sometimes, without even a word.
We are on hand for homework help and special projects. But our personal favorite is hearing the kids rush in with a paper in hand to show off a good grade.
Living like this has its perks for all of us, especially when you start cooking and realize you forgot something at the store or are running low on laundry detergent and don’t want to go anywhere but need to get laundry under control.
Can you tell I am speaking from experience?
While this is our families way of life, I can not help but think how easy it is for any neighborhood to live this way.
To be a safe haven for area kids, to be eyes and ears to watch over each others properties and families And to be a cheerleader for every accomplishment that happens around your community.
Our annual Difference Makers award banquet is coming up and one of the many things I love about it is the opportunity for our communities to brag on one another and cheer each other on. To point out people who serve so quietly they often go unnoticed.
I want to encourage you, if you have someone that deserves to be recognized, turn them in today!
Who couldn’t use a little affirmation and appreciation for what they do once in a while!
And while we are at it, remember you can also nominate young people who serve and help in their communities!
This week on our Readers Respond section we asked for people to share about great businesses and got an outstanding response.
Thank you to all of you fantastic business people who continue to make our community what it is.
My husband Craig opened his business about 9 years ago and while it has been a blessing to our family in many ways. There have also been a few days I have wanted to kick rocks.
Having people lie and cheat you, stinks. Having someone who is well known in the community promise to come in and pay their bill over and over and then make some big ugly statement on social media that they owe nothing hurts and infuriates you. But when you have a faith filled husband who trusts God for it all and prefers to let the Lord sort some things out....well, sometimes you want to kick rocks at him too even though you know he isn’t wrong.
But, fortunately times like that are outweighed by the many times you get to see the blessing of helping others when they need an extra hand. And that is what we lean on.
Being a small business owner in a small town is hard. These are the folks with diapers under the front counters and toys stashed under their office desk.
They are the places where you come in and get greeted by baby grands riding bikes, but they are also the places that think less of the bottom line, and more of the reputation and care of their family and their community.
Support your local business as much as possible. I know you can’t always get what you need here in our little town, but when you can....try to!